Minecraft Vegemites

A small vanilla server run for family and friends.
of Online

Command Flags: [] = Optional, <> = Required
/rp load-all
RedProtect: To force load all regions from database
/rp reload
RedProtect: Reload all configs and language file
/rp reload-config
RedProtect: Reload only the config and language
/rp save-all
RedProtect: To force save all new regions to database
/rp regen
RedProtect: Regen a region. Click here for more info!
/rp undo
RedProtect: Undo a regenerated region. Click here for more info!
/rp regenall <player>/rp regall
RedProtect: Regen all player regions
/rp removeall <player>/rp remall
RedProtect: Remove all player regions
/rp copyflag <regionNameFrom> <regionNameTo>
RedProtect: To copy all flags from a region to other in same world
/rp flag <FlagName> <flag/remove> <value>/rp fl
RedProtect: Add or remove an admin flag
/rp setconfig list
RedProtect: See all changeable configurations sections
/rp setconfig <configSection> <value>
RedProtect: Change a specified config value
/rp flag gui-edit [lines-to-add]/rp fl
RedProtect: Allow edit positions of FlagGui items
/rp value
RedProtect: To calculate the value of region based on blocks
/rp list <player> [page]/rp ls
RedProtect: To see player regions
/rp tutorial/rp tut
RedProtect: To show a tutorial on how to protect a region
/rp flag info [region] [world]/rp fl
RedProtect: To see the actual flags on your region
/rp flag [region] <FlagName> [value] [world]/rp fl
RedProtect: Change a flag state to true/false
/rp buy
RedProtect: To buy a region
/rp cancelbuy
RedProtect: Cancel selling your region
/rp sell <player> [value]
RedProtect: To sell a in name of other player with value
/rp sell
RedProtect: To sell your region
/rp sell <value>
RedProtect: To sell your region with value
/rp wand/rp w
RedProtect: Get Magic Wand tool
/rp near/rp nr
RedProtect: To see all regions near 40 blocks
/rp addadmin <player>/rp aa
RedProtect: To promote a member as admin
/rp addleader <player>/rp al
RedProtect: (Send request...)To promote a admin or member as leader
/rp addmember <player>/rp am
RedProtect: To add a member in a region
/rp border/rp b
RedProtect: To show the border of region
/rp claimlimit/rp cl
RedProtect: See the claim limit
/rp define <regionName>
RedProtect: Create new region with SelectionWand
/rp delete/rp del
RedProtect: To delete your region
/rp expand-vert [regionName] [world]/rp ev
RedProtect: Expand the vertical size of region to 0 and max y allowed
/rp flag/rp fl
RedProtect: Open the flag GUI to change the flags
/rp info [region] [world]/rp i
RedProtect: To see all info about your region(for Owners)
/rp kick <player>/rp k
RedProtect: To kick a player and temporary deny this player to enter on region
/rp limit/rp lm
RedProtect: See block limit
/rp list/rp ls
RedProtect: To see all your regions
/rp priority <priority>/rp prior
RedProtect: Set the priority for child regions
/rp redefine <regionName>
RedProtect: Redefine the area of a region with SelectionWand
/rp removeadmin <player>/rp ra
RedProtect: To demote an admin to member
/rp removeleader <player>/rp rl
RedProtect: To demote a player to admin from region
/rp removemember <player>/rp rm
RedProtect: To remove a player from region
/rp rename/rp rn
RedProtect: To rename your region
/rp setmaxy [regionName] [world]
RedProtect: Set the top vertical size of region
/rp setminy [regionName] [world]
RedProtect: Set the min vertical size of region
/rp teleport [player] <regionName> [World]/rp tp
RedProtect: Teleport to region
/rp welcome <message/off/hide>/rp wel
RedProtect: Set welcome message of region
